Friday, May 26, 2006

The Hand that Rocks the Cradle.

Shock, horror!!! This was the sight that I found one morning as I was about to go to work. I could hear her screams from the back room and after hurriedly putting on my socks, I skidded into the front room.

She was not crying out, but screaming out with delight to my astonishment. Alannah has managed to pull herself up onto the side of her cradle and proceeded to rock it. Apparently according to Ren, she has been able to do this for a week or two. She also added that, "it was better for me to see for myself".

Anyway, my joy at her accomplishment came crashing down as she suddenly fell backwards and hit her head on the side of the cradle. I was helpless to stop it and just watched in slow motion as the back of her head connected with the hard edge. All her crying that ensued was soothed with a small bag of frozen peas and a warm bottle of milk.

I felt bad the whole day and blamed myself for letting it happen. I want to put her in a protective bubble, so that mishaps like this she can just bounce away from. I am sure I am not the only first time parent with the same ingenious plan.

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